Carver County - CarverLink

CarverLink is Carver County Minnesota's (a Twin Cities Metro County) publicly owned broadband fiber optics network.  CarverLink went live in 2013 and currently has ownership and use of over 1050+ miles of fiber throughout Carver County and the surrounding local area that is used to connect upwards of 280+ last mile public and community support locations.

CarverLink directly provides services to public entities and several community support organizations within Carver County, including the county, cities, public schools, a college, townships, housing and transit authorities, hospitals, and primary medical clinics. CarverLink provides these entities with dark fiber and lit fiber services in the form of Internet bandwidth.

In the private sector for our businesses and residents, CarverLink does not directly offer or provide fiber connectivity or internet service, but instead provides our fiber infrastructure that is used by the initial internet service provider (ISP) in our network, Metronet (formerly Jaguar Communications), to provide services to businesses and residents of Carver County. CarverLink also oversees the availability of dark fiber within our network that is available to qualified service providers or other entities using dark fiber for new opportunities (open access/open interconnect fiber).  And through our open access fiber, services are also available from Broadband-MN and Arvig.

The FCC recently released a new Broadband Availability map.  The County needs your assistance to validate that information in the map is correct.  Incorrect data can invalidate the County's ability to receive financial assistance to help bring high speed broadband to your location.  Please review your data and submit a challenge if appropriate.

The Office of Broadband Development helps Minnesotans understand broadband options available and work together to improve availability and use of high speed broadband services.

Metronet construction updates website for cities in Carver County and throughout the entire Metronet service area.

Read about CarverLink in the press over the years and also find out information on various broadband efforts in the State and Nation

Carver County manages the right-of-way ordinance (ROW) to protect public safety, public interests, the reliability of its county highway system and dictates the appropriate use of the rights-of-way